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Behaviour code


In the sixth form you are expected to: 

  • Conduct yourself with integrity and dignity serving as a role model to younger students 
  • Treat all staff, students, visitors and local residents with respect and consideration 
  • Be smartly dressed at all times in accordance with the dress code 
  • Participate fully in lessons, study periods, enrichment activities and community activities 
  • Complete all work set by the agreed deadlines and develop independent study skills 
  • Maintain the highest level of punctuality and attendance at all relevant school activities 
  • Follow the sixth form procedures for registering and to inform the school of any absence at the earliest opportunity 
  • Take care of the school buildings, resources and equipment, and act in a safe manner at all times 
  • Abide by the regulations relating to the conduct of examinations and the submission of coursework 
  • Not bring cigarettes, alcohol or illegal substances onto the school site or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the school site