Philosophy and ethics

Philosophy and ethics

Philosophy and ethics is a thought-provoking programme of study that equips students with the ability to look more deeply into everyday occurrences. Students will not only explore religious beliefs and teachings, but learn to adopt a philosophical way of thinking while looking at ethical considerations for a broad range of topics, applicable to all parts of life.

Debates around certain topics within the subject give students the skill to craft arguments as well as giving them the skills to listen to and take on board the opinions of others. There are a vast range of opportunities for students studying this subject; from opportunities at university to further careers, the skills gained though this course of study are far-reaching and transferrable. 

Why study philosophy and ethics?

Philosophy and ethics is an incredibly diverse course that aims to develop students' skills through an in-depth study of traditional philosophical thoughts and ethical theories. Philosophy and ethics lessons offer excellent variety with lively debates, studying philosophers' original writings and analysing, critically assessing and evaluating key ideas.


A level Religious Studies - Philosophy and Ethics

Awarding body


Entry requirements

Pass in English and maths, 5 or more grades at 5+ (this can include English and maths), grade 6 or higher in RS.

Year 12

This course is split up into three sections; the study of the philosophy of religion; the study of ethical theories and issues and the study of the development in Christian thoughts.

Philosophy : Ancient Philosophical influence (Plato and Aristotle) , exploration of Soul, body and mind, arguments for the existence of God based on reason and observation , religious experience and The Problem of Evil.

Ethics: Natural Law, Situation and Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism, Euthanasia and Business Ethics.

Developments in Christian Thought: Augustine’s teaching on the human nature, death and the afterlife, knowledge of God’s existence, the person of Jesus Christ and Christian moral principles and moral action.

Year 13

Philosophy: The nature or attributes of God, religious language: negative, analogical or symbolic and religious language: twentieth century perspectives

Ethics: Meta-ethical theories, the Conscience and Sexual Ethics

Developments in Christian Thoughts: Religious pluralism and theology, gender and society and theology, the challenge of secularism and Liberation theology and Marx


Three written examinations at the end of Year 13 will account for an overall grade with each exam equating to 33.3% of the total grade received. Students will be expected to sit papers on Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Ethics and the Developments in Religious Thought. Each paper will have a total of 120 available marks and be 2 hours long.

I enjoy discussing the different points of view analytically, considering different issues in society and aspects of cultures around the world.
Year 13 student